About Mourning Moms Foundation
Welcome to the Mourning Moms Foundation, a welcoming and supportive community for grieving mothers. We are a group of mothers who have suffered the greatest loss imaginable, the loss of a child. Here, you will find a safe and understanding place where you can connect and share your emotions, sorrows, and feelings with others who have been where you are. Our members provide a compassionate and understanding community that will support you as you strive to move forward with your life.

Our Mission
Our mission at Mourning Moms Foundation is to provide support and assistance to mothers and families who are grieving the loss of a child. We understand that this is a difficult time, and we want to ensure that nobody has to go through it alone. We offer mental and financial assistance to those in need, and we work tirelessly to provide a supportive community for those who have experienced loss.

Our Vision
Our vision at Mourning Moms Foundation is to create a world where nobody has to grieve alone. We believe that every mother and family who has lost a child should have access to the support and assistance they need to heal and move forward. We hope to one day have a community center where we can provide a safe and supportive environment for those who are grieving.
Our Values
Meet the Mourning Moms Team

Sherisa Franks
Founder and Director
Email: mourningmoms128@gmail.com

Veronica Waller
Financial Officer
Email: mourningmoms128@gmail.com

Moredel Cook
Program Director
Email: mourningmoms128@gmail.com

Lorraine Scott
Volunteer Coordinator
Email: mourningmoms128@gmail.com